Of Salt and Spirit: Black Quilters in the American South

Project: Editorial Management of Publication

Client: Mississippi Museum of Art

Published by Mississippi Museum of Art, 2024

176pp; 95 full-color and b&w images

Sharbreon Plummer, PhD, editor; contributions by Lauren Cross, PhD; Danielle Mason, PhD; and Gustina Atlas, Geraldine Nash, and Precious Lovell, with Lydia Jasper

Of Salt and Spirit: Black Quilters in the American South surveys some of the richly diverse quiltmaking traditions maintained by Black women in the US South during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Drawn from the Mississippi Museum of Art’s holdings, the works featured in this publication highlight a major 2022 gift of quilts collected by renowned Black folklife documentarian Roland L. Freeman. Over sixty handmade quilts, quilters’ portraits, and related archives together emphasize the importance of Mississippi and the broader South as foundational sites of knowledge production and artistic development. Of Salt and Spirit foregrounds the complex relational and archival practices of Black women quilters who cultivate networks of mutual support and preserve personal histories around and through their craft.